Scientific Information/Data
Immunoglobulins, also known as antibodies, defend the body directly through opsonization and neutralization. They also activate the
complement system. A special quality about these methods by which immunoglobulins defend the body is that they allow the immune
system to differentiate between antigens and the body’s normal microflora. Most antigens enter the body through mucosal tissue or stay localized
on mucosal surfaces. It makes sense, then, that mucosal tissues are heavily populated with immune cells. In fact, it is estimated that the intestinal lining produces more antibodies than any other organ in the body. Aside from producing antibodies, the mucosal surface serves as a barrier that physically prevents antigens from entering circulation. Though the body itself produces antibodies, supplementation may be beneficial in some individuals. It has been shown that the concentration of immunoglobulins in the digestive tract and on mucosal surfaces in adults is predictive of risk to immunity.[1,2] Stress and other conditions can reduce immunoglobulin secretion and antibody production.[3] In addition, damage to the intestinal wall resulting from stress, strenuous exercise, medications, or other causes affect gut barrier function and can make the body more vulnerable to antigens.*
IgG 2000 CWP™ is an immunoglobulin concentrate from colostral whey peptides that delivers a minimum of 40% IgG immunoglobulin along with an array of compounds, including growth factors, sialic acid, lactoferrin, proline-rich peptides (PRPs), oligosaccharides, and gangliosides. Each of these components provides the user with different and complementary health benefits, such as fundamental support of immune function and modulation, lean body mass, brain and thymus health, microbiota modulation, and cytokine balance.*[1] Oral consumption of immunoglobulins derived from colostrum is a means of supporting passive immunity, protecting the body, and eliminating unwanted molecules.[4-7] The most versatile, IgG, is capable of carrying out all of the functions of immunoglobulin molecules, accounting for IgG 2000 CWP’s broad range of immune-supportive effects.[8] Review of the research confirms that bovine colostrum supplementation confers other benefits, such as the maintenance of gastrointestinal integrity.[9-11] Oral immunoglobulins have been used in sports nutrition to support lean body mass,[12] physical exercise, and recovery following high-intensity training.[8,13] The 2.5 grams of immunoglobulins in each serving of GI Protect contribute to individual dosing requirements.*
L-Glutamine, the most abundant free-form amino acid in the body, is very important for maintaining gastrointestinal health and stimulated immune cell functioning. Animal and human studies also demonstrate the benefits of glutamine supplementation in gut barrier function.[14-16] Because it is an important transporter of nitrogen (and carbon) in the body, glutamine is vital to the body’s normal tissue healing processes. Although glutamine can be synthesized by the intestinal mucosa, supplementation during periods of physiological stress—when needs of the gut epithelia are increased—can be of benefit.*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
1. Godhia ML, Patel N. Colostrum—its composition, benefits as a nutraceutical: areview. Curr Res Nutr Food Sci. 2013;1(1):37-47.
2. Cantey JR. Prevention of bacterial infections of mucosal surfaces by immune secretory IgA. Adv Exp Med Biol. 1978;107:461-70. [PMID: 369313]
3. Jemmott JB 3rd, Borysenko JZ, Borysenko M, et al. Academic stress, powermotivation, and decrease in secretion rate of salivary secretory immunoglobulin A. Lancet. 1983 Jun 25;1(8339):1400-02. [PMID: 6134179]
4. Hurley D. Establishment of the effects of colostrally derived protein foodsupplements on human and animal health [dissertation]. Brookings, SD: SouthDakota State University; 1994.
5. Hurley WL, Theil PK. Perspectives on immunoglobulins in colostrum and milk. Nutrients. 2011 Apr;3(4):442-74. Review. [PMID: 22254105]
6. Rump JA, Arndt R, Arnold A, et al. Treatment of diarrhoea in humanimmunodeficiency virus-infected patients with immunoglobulins from bovine
colostrum. Clin Investig. 1992 Jul;70(7):588-94. [PMID: 1392428]
7. Schaller JP, Saif LJ, Cordle CT, et al. Prevention of human rotavirus-induceddiarrhea in gnotobiotic piglets using bovine antibody. J Infect Dis. 1992Apr;165(4):623-30. [PMID: 1313067]
8. Lotze MT. Measuring Immunity: Basic Science and Clinical Practice. London,UK: Academic Press; 2004:160.
9. Davison G. Bovine colostrum and immune function after exercise. Med SportSci. 2012;59:62-9. [PMID: 23075556]
10. Greenberg PD, Cello JP. Treatment of severe diarrhea caused by Cryptosporidiumparvum with oral bovine immunoglobulin concentrate in
patients with AIDS. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Hum Retrovirol. 1996 Dec1;13(4):348-54. [PMID: 8948373]
11. Kelly GS. Bovine colostrums: a review of clinical uses. Altern Med Rev. 2003Nov;8(4):378-94. Review. [PMID: 14653766]
12. Antonio J, Sanders MS, Van Gammeren D. The effects of bovine colostrumsupplementation on body composition and exercise performance in active menand women. Nutrition. 2001 Mar;17(3):243-47. [PMID: 11312068]
13. Shing CM, Hunter DC, Stevenson LM. Bovine colostrum supplementation and exercise performance: potential mechanisms. Sports Med. 2009;39(12):1033-54. [PMID: 19902984]
14. Zuhl MN, Lanphere KR, Kravitz L, et al. Effects of oral glutamine supplementation on exercise-induced gastrointestinal permeability and tight
junction protein expression. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2014 Jan 15;116(2):183-91. [PMID: 24285149]
15. Beutheu S, Ouelaa W, Guérin C, et al. Glutamine supplementation, but not combined glutamine and arginine supplementation, improves gut barrierfunction during chemotherapy-induced intestinal mucositis in rats. Clin Nutr.2013 Sep 25. pii: S0261-5614(13)00241-0. [PMID: 2409563
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