The two greatest fears men have are erectile dysfunction (ED) and prostate cancer.
“Man survives earthquakes, experiences the horrors of illness, and all of the tortures of the soul. But the most tormenting tragedy of all time is, and will be, the tragedy of the bedroom.” — Tolstoy
For men who have not experienced ED, that quote may bring a smile, but for those who have experienced it or who are experiencing it right now, it’s no laughing matter. ED to a man is as devastating as it is to his sexual partner. It occupies his every thought: “What’s wrong with me? I don’t feel like a man anymore!” His sexual partner will question his faithfulness and ask herself, “Maybe I’m the problem? Does he not love me anymore? Is he not sexually attracted to me?” We have accumulated an extensive amount of research concerning erectile dysfunction and prostate cancer.
It is important to understand that our organs do not work in complete isolation; in the body, everything works together as a complete system. For example, testicular function may be affected by environmental influences. Little things that happen in our everyday life can have a huge impact on our overall health especially when it comes to ED and prostate cancer. Diet, nutrition, exercise and trauma are some of the leading causes of ED and prostate cancer. Here is a list of a few of the things that can have an impact on our health as men, and all these factors should be evaluated and returned to normal for the testicles to go from a dysfunction state to a normal functioning organ:
- Immune and inflammatory imbalance
- Oxidative stress and energy production
- Gastrointestinal status
- Detoxification
- Musculoskeletal structures
- Hormones and neurotransmitters
- Overall mind, spirit, and emotions
- Genetic predisposition
We are here to help you address in all of these factors so that you can live a full and satisfying life. Please use the links to the right to get more detail and help.