What is the microbiome? Joshua Lederberg... read more →
Metabolic Endotoxemia: First, let’s break it in to understandable words. Metabolic: “pertaining to or of the nature of metabolism.” What is metabolism? Metabolism: Metabolism is the set of life-sustaining chemical transformations... read more →
Experts from the National Institutes of Health, John Hopkins, and Harvard have said, “… all major cell alterations that predispose each one of us to almost every major chronic disease... read more →
THOSE who take part in clinical trials often have to do nasty things, from taking new drugs to forgoing sleep. Participants in a trial organized by Stanley Hazen of the... read more →
The trillions of bacteria and other microbes living in our gut play an important role in overall health, influencing everything from the effectiveness of our immune system to cancer risk... read more →
A compound found in red wine, resveratrol, reduces the risk of heart disease by changing the gut microbiome, according to a new study by researchers from China. The study... read more →