What is the microbiome? Joshua Lederberg... read more →
I would like to introduce you to an amazing product called Cogniquil. Cognition, including learning and memory, is dependent upon neurons in the human brain communicating with each other through... read more →
There are numerous published articles discussing your waist circumference and it is associated with adverse health conditions. First, how do you correctly measure your waist circumference? Stand and place a... read more →
Metabolic Endotoxemia: First, let’s break it in to understandable words. Metabolic: “pertaining to or of the nature of metabolism.” What is metabolism? Metabolism: Metabolism is the set of life-sustaining chemical transformations... read more →
INTRODUCTION Stigma toward obese persons is pervasive in North America. Obese individuals are vulnerable to harmful weight-based stereotypes, including perceptions that they are lazy, lacking in willpower, indisciplined and unintelligent. (1,2) These stereotypes give way... read more →
Cortisol is a steroid hormone produced by the adrenal glands, which sit on top of each kidney. It is often referred to as the “Fight or Flight” hormone. When released... read more →
The active thyroid hormone is called T3. It plays a major role in your basal metabolic rate which is the number of calories you burn per day. Acute or chronic... read more →
Experts from the National Institutes of Health, John Hopkins, and Harvard have said, “… all major cell alterations that predispose each one of us to almost every major chronic disease... read more →
The importance of your daily lifestyle, diet and supplement intake can’t be overstated. With Brainspan, a new test we’re carrying at Medical Detective, you’ll be able to reduce your risk of... read more →